Land information systems  

To introduce the students to the key land information services, in the aspect of interaction with the general public as well as with the professional users, primarily of geodetic profession. To capacitate the students for using the land information services within the course of day-to-day business and to prepare them for participation on advanced projects related to those services. The students will: -Differentiate the methods and manners for collecting the land related data -Describe the process of land data modeling -Create the vector, layer based model of digital cadastral map -Analyze the compliance of spatial and descriptive components of cadastral data -Practically use the land information services -Explain the technological integration of separate registers on the technological level (Joint Information System of Land Booksand Cadastre) -Describe and demonstrate the methods for improving the cadastral maps (homogenization) -Describe the principles of establishment of land information services and the underlying data management
Land information systems

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